Dentist Near Me That Use Sedation

Sedation Dentistry in Brooklyn, NY is Available at Advanced Dental Care


Going to the dentist can be a scary experience, especially for those who suffer from dental anxiety. Fortunately, many dentists now offer sedation options to help patients relax during their appointments. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of visiting a dentist near you that uses sedation.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures. There are several different types of sedation that can be used, including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation. The type of sedation used will depend on the patient’s level of anxiety and the type of procedure being performed.

The Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

One of the main benefits of sedation dentistry is that it helps patients relax and feel more comfortable during their appointments. This can be especially helpful for those who have a fear of the dentist or who have had traumatic dental experiences in the past. In addition, sedation can also help to reduce pain and discomfort during procedures.

Types of Sedation

As mentioned earlier, there are several different types of sedation that can be used in dentistry. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a mild form of sedation that is inhaled through a mask. Oral sedation involves taking a pill before the procedure to help the patient relax. IV sedation is the strongest form of sedation and is administered through a vein.

Who is a Candidate for Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is typically recommended for patients who suffer from dental anxiety or who have a low pain threshold. It can also be helpful for those who have a strong gag reflex or who need extensive dental work done.

Choosing a Dentist That Uses Sedation

If you are interested in sedation dentistry, it is important to find a dentist near you that offers this service. You can search online for dentists in your area that offer sedation or ask your regular dentist for a referral. Be sure to choose a dentist who is experienced in using sedation and who has a good reputation.

The Sedation Process

Before your procedure, your dentist will discuss the type of sedation that will be used and what to expect during the procedure. You will also be given instructions on how to prepare for your appointment, such as fasting before the procedure if IV sedation is being used.

After the Procedure

After the procedure, you will be monitored until the effects of the sedation wear off. You will need to have someone drive you home and should plan to rest for the remainder of the day. Depending on the type of sedation used, you may experience some side effects, such as dizziness or nausea.

Risks of Sedation Dentistry

While sedation dentistry is generally safe, there are some risks involved. These can include allergic reactions to the medication, respiratory problems, and nausea or vomiting. However, these risks are rare and can be minimized by choosing a qualified dentist and following all pre- and post-procedure instructions.


Overall, sedation dentistry can be a great option for those who suffer from dental anxiety or who need extensive dental work done. By choosing a qualified dentist near you that offers sedation, you can ensure a more comfortable and relaxed dental experience. Be sure to discuss all of your options with your dentist before your procedure to determine if sedation is right for you.