Yeast In Urine Microscopic: Causes And Treatment

bacteria urinalysis microscopy


Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common among people of all ages. Yeast in urine microscopic refers to the presence of yeast cells in the urine. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of yeast in urine microscopic.

Causes of Yeast in Urine Microscopic

Yeast in urine microscopic can occur due to several reasons. The most common cause is a yeast infection of the urinary tract. Yeast infections can also spread from other parts of the body to the urinary tract. People who have diabetes are also at a higher risk of developing yeast infections in the urinary tract.

Symptoms of Yeast in Urine Microscopic

The symptoms of yeast in urine microscopic include frequent urination, painful urination, cloudy or foul-smelling urine, and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Some people may also experience pain during sexual intercourse.

Diagnosis of Yeast in Urine Microscopic

Diagnosis of yeast in urine microscopic is done through a urine test. The urine sample is examined under a microscope to check for the presence of yeast cells. In some cases, a culture test may also be done to determine the type of yeast causing the infection.

Treatment of Yeast in Urine Microscopic

The treatment of yeast in urine microscopic depends on the underlying cause of the infection. If the infection is caused by a yeast infection, antifungal medication may be prescribed. It is important to complete the full course of medication to ensure that the infection is completely cured.

Prevention of Yeast in Urine Microscopic

Prevention of yeast in urine microscopic can be done by following a few simple steps. Drinking plenty of water, practicing good hygiene, and avoiding irritating feminine products can help prevent yeast infections. People with diabetes should also keep their blood sugar levels under control to prevent yeast infections.


Yeast in urine microscopic can be a sign of a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection. It is important to get a proper diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications. By following simple preventive measures, it is possible to reduce the risk of developing yeast infections in the urinary tract.


  1. “Urinary tract infection (UTI) – Symptoms and causes” – Mayo Clinic
  2. “Yeast Infections and Diabetes” – Healthline
  3. “Yeast Infection in Men and Women: Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention” – MedicineNet