Eagle Cotton Mill Madison Indiana: A Historic Landmark

IMAGES Old Eagle Cotton Mill in Madison to boutique hotel and

A Brief History of Eagle Cotton Mill

Eagle Cotton Mill, located in Madison Indiana, was built in the late 1800s and became operational in the early 1900s. It was one of the largest cotton mills in the Midwest and was a significant contributor to the local economy. The mill operated until the mid-20th century and was eventually shut down due to economic decline.

The Revival of Eagle Cotton Mill

In recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the historic landmark, and efforts have been made to revitalize it. The building has been renovated and repurposed to serve as a mixed-use development that includes residential and commercial spaces. The restoration of Eagle Cotton Mill has been a significant project for the city of Madison and has helped to preserve its rich industrial history.

The Architecture of Eagle Cotton Mill

The architecture of Eagle Cotton Mill is a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the builders of the late 1800s. The building features a beautiful brick façade with large windows that allowed for natural light to enter the factory floor. The interior of the building has been preserved, and visitors can see the original hardwood floors and exposed brick walls.

The Legacy of Eagle Cotton Mill

Today, Eagle Cotton Mill is a historic landmark that serves as a reminder of the industrial past of Madison Indiana. It is also an example of how historic buildings can be repurposed and given new life. The revitalization of Eagle Cotton Mill has contributed to the economic growth of the area and has brought new residents and businesses to the city.

Visiting Eagle Cotton Mill

If you are interested in history and architecture, a visit to Eagle Cotton Mill is a must. You can take a tour of the building and learn about its history and renovation. You can also explore the surrounding area, which is home to many other historic landmarks and attractions.


Eagle Cotton Mill is a historic landmark that has played an important role in the history of Madison Indiana. The restoration of the building has been a significant project that has helped to preserve its industrial heritage. Today, Eagle Cotton Mill serves as a mixed-use development that is home to many residents and businesses. A visit to the building is a great way to learn about the history and architecture of the area and to see firsthand the impact of historic preservation.