Asthma Normal Oxygen Levels: What You Need To Know

Figure. Severe acute asthma stepwise approach for escalating therapy


Asthma is a common respiratory condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It causes breathing difficulties, wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness. One of the most essential aspects of managing asthma is monitoring oxygen levels. In this article, we will discuss what normal oxygen levels are and what you need to know about them if you have asthma.

What are Normal Oxygen Levels?

Oxygen levels are measured by a device called a pulse oximeter. The normal range for oxygen saturation is between 95% and 100%. Anything below 95% is considered low and may indicate a problem with the lungs or heart.

Why is Monitoring Oxygen Levels Important for People with Asthma?

People with asthma have inflamed and narrowed airways, which makes it difficult for air to flow in and out of the lungs. This can lead to low oxygen levels, especially during an asthma attack. Monitoring oxygen levels can help you determine when it’s time to seek medical attention or adjust your treatment plan.

How to Monitor Oxygen Levels at Home

You can monitor your oxygen levels at home using a pulse oximeter. These devices are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased online or at a medical supply store. Simply place the device on your fingertip, and it will measure your oxygen saturation level within seconds.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If your oxygen levels drop below 90%, it’s time to seek medical attention immediately. This could be a sign of a severe asthma attack or another underlying medical condition. Don’t wait to seek medical help if you’re experiencing breathing difficulties or chest pain.

How to Improve Oxygen Levels

If you’re struggling with low oxygen levels, there are several things you can do to improve them. First, make sure you’re taking your asthma medications as prescribed. You may need to adjust your medication dosage or switch to a different medication if your symptoms are not well-controlled.

You can also try breathing exercises, such as pursed-lip breathing, to improve oxygen flow. Additionally, avoiding triggers, such as smoke or allergens, can help reduce inflammation in your airways and improve oxygen levels.


Monitoring oxygen levels is an essential aspect of managing asthma. Normal oxygen levels range between 95% and 100%, and anything below 95% is considered low. If you’re struggling with low oxygen levels, seek medical attention immediately. With proper management and treatment, people with asthma can live healthy and active lives.