Can A Dentist Tell If You’ve Given Head Reddit?

Dentists Can Tell If You've Given Oral Sex Recently, According To TikTok

The Myth

There is a common belief that dentists can tell if someone has given head just by looking at their mouth. This myth has been circulating on Reddit for years, with many users claiming that their dentist was able to detect oral sex just by examining their teeth and gums.

The Reality

In reality, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. While dentists are trained to identify various oral health issues, they cannot determine whether or not someone has engaged in sexual activity based solely on the condition of their mouth.

Why the Myth Persists

So why do so many people believe that dentists can tell if they’ve given head? One possible explanation is that oral sex can sometimes cause small abrasions or lesions in the mouth, which may be visible during a dental exam. However, these types of injuries can also be caused by other factors, such as biting your cheek or eating hot food. Additionally, some people may feel embarrassed or ashamed about their sexual activity and may be looking for a way to justify their behavior or deflect attention away from it by blaming their dentist for “exposing” them.

The Importance of Oral Health

While dentists may not be able to tell if you’ve given head, it is still important to maintain good oral hygiene and visit your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. Engaging in sexual activity can increase your risk of oral infections and other health issues, so it is important to practice safe sex and communicate openly with your partner about any concerns or questions you may have.


In conclusion, the idea that dentists can tell if you’ve given head is nothing more than a myth. While oral sex can sometimes cause visible injuries in the mouth, these types of issues can also be caused by other factors and are not a reliable indicator of sexual activity. Regardless of your sexual history, it is important to prioritize your oral health and seek professional dental care when needed.