Can I Drink Water Before Glucose Test Pregnancy?

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Pregnancy is a crucial time for every woman, and it comes with a lot of health monitoring procedures. One such test is the glucose tolerance test (GTT), which checks for gestational diabetes. Many women wonder if they can drink water before the glucose test. In this article, we will discuss whether drinking water is allowed or not.

What is the Glucose Tolerance Test?

The GTT is a test that checks how well your body can process sugar during pregnancy. It is usually done between 24 to 28 weeks of pregnancy. The test involves drinking a sugary drink, and then your blood sugar levels are checked after one hour and two hours.

Can I Drink Water Before the Glucose Test?

It is advisable to avoid drinking any fluids, including water, for at least eight hours before the test. This is because drinking water may dilute the sugar solution, leading to false results. Therefore, it is essential to follow the instructions given by your doctor or healthcare provider.

What Happens During the GTT?

Before the test, you will be asked to fast for eight hours. Once you arrive at the clinic or hospital, a blood sample will be taken to check your baseline blood sugar levels. After that, you will be given a sugary drink to consume within five minutes. The glucose solution is sweet, and some women may find it difficult to drink.

How Will I Feel During the Test?

Some women may experience nausea or dizziness after drinking the sugary solution. These symptoms usually disappear after some time. However, if you feel unwell or experience any severe symptoms, inform your doctor immediately.

What Happens After the Test?

After drinking the glucose solution, you will be asked to wait for an hour or two. During this time, you should avoid eating or drinking anything. Your blood sugar levels will be checked again after one hour and two hours. If the results are higher than normal, you may need to undergo further tests.

What if I Have Gestational Diabetes?

If your blood sugar levels are high, your doctor may diagnose you with gestational diabetes. You will be referred to a specialist for further management. Treatment may involve dietary changes, exercise, and medication.


In conclusion, it is not advisable to drink water or any other fluids before the glucose tolerance test. This is because it may dilute the sugar solution, leading to false results. It is essential to follow the instructions given by your doctor or healthcare provider to ensure accurate test results. If you have any concerns or questions about the GTT, do not hesitate to speak to your healthcare provider.