Can I Use Any Gauze For Wisdom Teeth?

How To Properly Put Gauze In For Wisdom Teeth Apr 18, 2019 · wisdom


Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that grow in the back of your mouth, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth can cause pain, inflammation, and infection if they don’t come in properly. After wisdom tooth extraction, your dentist or oral surgeon will likely give you gauze to control bleeding and promote healing. But can you use any gauze for wisdom teeth?

The Importance of Gauze after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Gauze is an important tool for managing bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction. The gauze helps to absorb the blood and create a clot, which is necessary for healing. After the extraction, your dentist or oral surgeon will instruct you to bite down on the gauze for a certain period of time to control bleeding.

What Kind of Gauze Should You Use?

It’s important to use the right type of gauze after wisdom tooth extraction. Your dentist or oral surgeon will likely provide you with sterile gauze pads that are specifically designed for dental procedures. These gauze pads are made from natural fibers, such as cotton or rayon, and are free from any harmful chemicals or additives.

Can You Use Regular Gauze?

While it may be tempting to use regular gauze from your first-aid kit, it’s not recommended. Regular gauze may contain chemicals or additives that can be harmful to your healing gums. Additionally, regular gauze may not be as absorbent as the gauze provided by your dental professional.

What About Using Tissue or Paper Towels?

Using tissue or paper towels as a substitute for gauze is not recommended. These materials are not sterile and can easily break apart, leaving behind small fibers that can irritate your gums and delay healing.

What If You Run Out of Gauze?

If you run out of gauze provided by your dental professional, it’s important to contact them for more. They may be able to provide you with more gauze or recommend a suitable substitute. In the meantime, you can use a damp tea bag as a temporary substitute. Tea contains tannic acid, which can help to control bleeding and reduce inflammation.


In conclusion, it’s important to use the right type of gauze after wisdom tooth extraction. Using regular gauze, tissue, or paper towels can be harmful to your healing gums and delay the healing process. Always follow the instructions provided by your dental professional and contact them if you have any questions or concerns.


– American Dental Association. (2018). Tooth Extraction. Retrieved from – Harvard Health Publishing. (2018). Wisdom Teeth Removal. Retrieved from – Oral Health Foundation. (2021). Wisdom Teeth. Retrieved from