Can I Use Powder Detergent In My He Washer?

Using Regular Detergent in a HighEfficiency Washer is Risky Business


If you own a high-efficiency (HE) washing machine, you may be wondering if you can use powder detergent in it. After all, powder detergent is more affordable and readily available than its liquid counterpart. However, using the wrong type of detergent can damage your machine and affect its performance. In this article, we will explore whether or not you can use powder detergent in your HE washer.

What is an HE Washer?

HE washers are designed to use less water and energy compared to traditional top-loading washers. They are more efficient and effective at cleaning clothes, but they require a specific type of detergent. HE detergents are formulated to produce fewer suds, which can damage the machine and affect its cleaning ability. These detergents are also more concentrated, so you need less detergent for each load.

Can You Use Powder Detergent in an HE Washer?

The short answer is yes, you can use powder detergent in an HE washer. However, you need to make sure that the detergent is formulated for HE machines. Look for a label that says “HE” or “high-efficiency” on the packaging. These detergents are formulated to produce fewer suds and dissolve quickly in low-water environments. If you use regular powder detergent, you may end up with excess suds that can damage your machine and affect its performance.

Benefits of Using Powder Detergent in an HE Washer

There are several benefits of using powder detergent in an HE washer. First, powder detergent is more affordable and readily available compared to liquid detergent. You can find it in most grocery stores and online retailers. Second, powder detergent is more effective at removing stains and odors from clothes. It contains enzymes that break down stains and dirt particles, leaving your clothes clean and fresh. Finally, powder detergent is more eco-friendly compared to liquid detergent. It comes in a cardboard box that can be recycled, and it requires less packaging compared to liquid detergent.

How to Use Powder Detergent in an HE Washer

To use powder detergent in an HE washer, you need to follow these steps: 1. Check the packaging to make sure that the detergent is formulated for HE machines. 2. Measure the detergent according to the instructions on the package. Use the recommended amount for your load size. 3. Add the detergent to the washer drum before adding your clothes. 4. Start the washing cycle as usual. It’s important not to overuse the detergent, as this can lead to excess suds and affect the machine’s performance. Use the recommended amount for your load size, and adjust accordingly if needed.


In conclusion, you can use powder detergent in an HE washer, but you need to make sure that the detergent is formulated for HE machines. Using regular powder detergent can damage your machine and affect its performance. Look for a label that says “HE” or “high-efficiency” on the packaging, and follow the instructions on how to use it. By using the right detergent, you can enjoy the benefits of a clean and efficient washing machine.