Can Vitamin C Kill A Baby?

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The Importance of Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that is required for the growth and development of our body. It is an antioxidant that helps in the protection of our cells from free radical damage. It is also necessary for the synthesis of collagen, which is an important component of our skin, bones, and connective tissues. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, and it is recommended that we consume at least 75-90 mg of Vitamin C per day.

The Concerns about Vitamin C and Babies

There have been concerns raised about the safety of Vitamin C for babies. Some people believe that high doses of Vitamin C can be dangerous for infants, and that it can even be fatal. This belief is based on the fact that Vitamin C is acidic, and that it can cause stomach upset and even ulcers in some people.

The Truth about Vitamin C and Babies

The truth is that Vitamin C is generally safe for babies when consumed in appropriate amounts. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that breastfed infants receive a daily Vitamin C supplement of 40-50 mg per day. Formula-fed infants usually receive enough Vitamin C from their formula, and do not require additional supplements.

The Risks of Vitamin C Overdose

While Vitamin C is generally safe, it is possible to overdose on it. The recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for adults is 75-90 mg per day. Consuming high doses of Vitamin C can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, and may even lead to the formation of kidney stones. In extreme cases, high doses of Vitamin C can be fatal.


In conclusion, Vitamin C is an important nutrient that is required for the growth and development of our body. While it is generally safe for babies, it is important to ensure that they are not consuming excessive amounts of it. Parents should follow the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C for their infants, and should consult with a healthcare professional if they have any concerns about their baby’s Vitamin C intake.