Can You Carry Two Dental Insurance Plans?

Which dental insurance plan is right for your company? Friedman Group


Many people are under the impression that they can only have one dental insurance plan at a time. However, this is not entirely true. In fact, carrying two dental insurance plans can provide additional coverage and potentially save you money. But is it possible to carry two dental insurance plans?

Primary and Secondary Dental Insurance

When you have two dental insurance plans, one plan is considered the primary plan and the other is the secondary plan. Your primary plan is the one that pays first and covers the majority of your dental expenses. Your secondary plan kicks in after the primary plan has paid its portion, covering any remaining costs.

It’s important to note that not all dental insurance plans allow for secondary coverage. If your primary plan does allow for secondary coverage, it’s important to understand how the coordination of benefits works between the two plans.

Coordination of Benefits

The coordination of benefits is the process in which the two insurance plans work together to provide coverage. The primary plan pays first, and the secondary plan covers any remaining costs up to the maximum benefit limit of the plan.

It’s important to note that you cannot receive benefits from both plans that exceed the total cost of the service. For example, if the total cost of a dental service is $100, and your primary plan covers $80, your secondary plan can only cover up to $20 to reach the total cost.

Benefits of Carrying Two Dental Insurance Plans

The main benefit of carrying two dental insurance plans is increased coverage. You can potentially save money on out-of-pocket costs by having two plans that cover different services or procedures. Additionally, if one plan does not cover a specific service, the other plan might.

Carrying two dental insurance plans can also provide peace of mind knowing that you have additional coverage in case of unexpected dental expenses.

Things to Consider

Before you decide to carry two dental insurance plans, it’s important to consider a few things. First, make sure that both plans allow for secondary coverage. Second, understand the coordination of benefits process and how it works between the two plans. Third, consider the cost of both plans and if it’s worth it to carry two plans.


Carrying two dental insurance plans is possible and can provide additional coverage and potential cost savings. However, it’s important to understand the coordination of benefits process and consider the cost of both plans before deciding to carry two plans. It’s also important to note that not all dental insurance plans allow for secondary coverage.

Overall, carrying two dental insurance plans can provide peace of mind and increased coverage for unexpected dental expenses.