Can You Give A Hamster A Bath?

How to Give Your Hamster a Bath PetMD


Hamsters are adorable little creatures that many people love as pets. They are active, playful, and cute. However, they are also known for being clean animals that groom themselves regularly. So, the question arises, can you give a hamster a bath? In this article, we will explore this topic in detail and answer this question once and for all.

Why Do Hamsters Need Baths?

Hamsters are very good at grooming themselves, and they rarely need baths. However, there are situations where a bath may be necessary. For example, if your hamster has gotten into something dirty or sticky, or if they have developed a skin condition that requires them to be bathed. In general, though, you should avoid giving your hamster a bath unless it is absolutely necessary.

Preparing for the Bath

If you have decided that your hamster needs a bath, there are a few things you need to do to prepare. First, you will need to fill a shallow container with lukewarm water. You don’t want the water to be too hot or too cold, as this can be uncomfortable for your hamster. You can also add a small amount of pet-safe shampoo to the water.

Choosing the Right Shampoo

When choosing a shampoo for your hamster, it is important to choose one that is specifically designed for small animals. You should avoid using human shampoo, as this can be too harsh for your hamster’s sensitive skin. Instead, look for a mild, pet-safe shampoo that is formulated for hamsters or other small animals.

Bathing Your Hamster

Once you have prepared the bath, it’s time to bathe your hamster. Gently place your hamster in the water and use a cup to pour water over their body. Be sure to avoid getting water in their ears or nose, as this can be dangerous. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush or a cloth to gently scrub your hamster’s fur. Be sure to rinse them thoroughly and carefully dry them off with a towel.

After the Bath

After your hamster’s bath, it is important to keep them warm and dry. You can use a hair dryer on the lowest setting to help dry their fur, but be sure to keep the dryer at least 12 inches away from their body to avoid burning them. You should also provide them with a warm, dry place to rest, such as a cozy nest or a small towel.

When to Avoid Bathing Your Hamster

As mentioned earlier, hamsters are very good at grooming themselves and rarely need baths. In fact, bathing your hamster too often can actually be harmful to their health. Over-bathing can strip their fur of its natural oils, leading to dry skin and other skin problems. So, unless it is absolutely necessary, you should avoid giving your hamster a bath.


In conclusion, hamsters are clean animals that rarely need baths. However, there are situations where a bath may be necessary, such as if your hamster has gotten into something dirty or sticky, or if they have developed a skin condition that requires them to be bathed. If you do decide to bathe your hamster, be sure to use a pet-safe shampoo, avoid getting water in their ears or nose, and keep them warm and dry after the bath. Remember, though, that bathing your hamster too often can be harmful, so only do it when necessary.