Can You Use Charcoal After It Gets Wet?

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The Problem with Wet Charcoal

When it comes to grilling, charcoal is a popular choice for many people. However, one of the biggest problems with charcoal is that it can get wet. Whether it’s from rain, humidity, or accidental spills, wet charcoal can be a headache for grillers.

Why Wet Charcoal is a Problem

The main issue with wet charcoal is that it doesn’t burn as well as dry charcoal. When charcoal gets wet, it absorbs moisture, which can make it harder to light and keep lit. Wet charcoal can also produce a lot of smoke, which can affect the taste of your food.

How to Tell if Your Charcoal is Wet

Before you start grilling, it’s important to check if your charcoal is wet. One way to tell is by looking at the color. Wet charcoal will have a darker color than dry charcoal. You can also try squeezing the charcoal to see if any water comes out.

Can You Use Wet Charcoal?

While wet charcoal is not ideal for grilling, it is still possible to use it. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Drying Wet Charcoal

The first step to using wet charcoal is to dry it out. You can do this by spreading the charcoal out on a dry surface and letting it air dry. This process can take several hours, so it’s best to do it well in advance of your grilling session.

Using Wet Charcoal

Once your charcoal is dry, you can use it for grilling. However, you may need to use more charcoal than you would with dry charcoal. Wet charcoal doesn’t burn as hot or as long as dry charcoal, so you’ll need to compensate for this by using more.

Other Tips for Using Wet Charcoal

To get the best results when using wet charcoal, there are a few other things you can do. First, make sure you light the charcoal properly. Use a chimney starter or an electric starter to get the charcoal burning evenly. You can also add some dry wood chips to the charcoal to help it burn hotter.

Preventing Wet Charcoal

While it’s possible to use wet charcoal, it’s best to prevent it from getting wet in the first place. One way to do this is by storing your charcoal in a dry place. You can also cover your grill with a waterproof cover when it’s not in use.


In conclusion, wet charcoal is not ideal for grilling, but it is possible to use it if you take the time to dry it out properly. However, it’s best to prevent your charcoal from getting wet in the first place by storing it in a dry place and covering your grill when it’s not in use. By following these tips, you can ensure that your grilling sessions are always a success.