Can You Use Grande Lash Serum With Eyelash Extensions?

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Eyelash extensions have become a popular trend for those who want fuller and longer lashes without the hassle of using mascara. However, some people may still feel like their eyelashes are not as long or thick as they would like. This is where lash serums come in. Grande Lash Serum is one of the most popular lash serums on the market, but can you use it with eyelash extensions?

What is Grande Lash Serum?

Grande Lash Serum is a product designed to promote lash growth and thickness. It contains a blend of vitamins, peptides, and amino acids that work together to nourish and strengthen lashes. It is applied daily to the lash line using a small brush.

Can You Use Grande Lash Serum with Eyelash Extensions?

The short answer is yes, you can use Grande Lash Serum with eyelash extensions. However, it is important to follow some guidelines to ensure that your extensions stay intact and your natural lashes remain healthy.

Guidelines for Using Grande Lash Serum with Eyelash Extensions

  • Apply the serum only to your natural lashes, not the extensions
  • Use a small amount of serum and apply it carefully to avoid getting it on the extensions
  • Apply the serum at night before going to bed to give it time to absorb before sleeping
  • Avoid using oil-based makeup or makeup removers on the lash line
  • Be gentle when removing makeup or cleansing the face to avoid pulling on the extensions

Benefits of Using Grande Lash Serum with Eyelash Extensions

Using Grande Lash Serum with eyelash extensions can provide some great benefits. The serum can help to strengthen and nourish your natural lashes, which can help them to hold the extensions better. It can also help to promote new lash growth, which can make your lashes look even more full and thick.


In conclusion, you can use Grande Lash Serum with eyelash extensions, but it is important to follow the guidelines to ensure that your extensions stay intact and your natural lashes remain healthy. Using the serum with extensions can provide some great benefits and give you the full, thick lashes you desire.