Can You Use Lash Serum With Extensions?

Can I Use Eyelash Serum with Lash Extensions? EVEDARE


Lash extensions have become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a way to achieve long, fluttery lashes without the need for mascara. However, many people who get lash extensions also want to use lash serum to help their natural lashes grow longer and stronger. But is it safe to use lash serum with extensions? In this article, we’ll explore the answer to that question.

What is Lash Serum?

Lash serum is a product that is applied to the lashes to help them grow longer and stronger. It usually contains ingredients like biotin, peptides, and hyaluronic acid, which nourish the lashes and stimulate growth.

What are Lash Extensions?

Lash extensions are individual lashes that are glued onto your natural lashes to create a fuller, longer look. They can be made from synthetic materials or natural materials like mink or silk.

The Answer

The short answer is yes, you can use lash serum with extensions. However, it’s important to choose the right serum and use it correctly to avoid damaging your extensions.

Choosing the Right Lash Serum

Not all lash serums are safe to use with extensions, so it’s important to choose one that is specifically formulated for use with extensions. Look for a serum that is oil-free and contains gentle ingredients that won’t damage your extensions.

How to Apply Lash Serum with Extensions

When applying lash serum with extensions, it’s important to be gentle and avoid getting the serum on the extensions themselves. Use a clean mascara wand to apply the serum to your natural lashes, being careful not to touch the extensions.

Benefits of Using Lash Serum with Extensions

Using lash serum with extensions can help your natural lashes grow longer and healthier, which can in turn extend the life of your extensions. It can also help prevent damage to your natural lashes, which can occur over time with the use of extensions.

Potential Risks of Using Lash Serum with Extensions

If you use the wrong lash serum or apply it incorrectly, it can damage your extensions or cause them to fall out prematurely. It can also irritate your eyes or cause an allergic reaction.


In conclusion, it is possible to use lash serum with extensions, but it’s important to choose the right serum and apply it correctly to avoid damaging your extensions or natural lashes. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully and consult with your lash technician or a dermatologist if you experience any issues. With the right care, you can enjoy beautiful, healthy lashes with or without extensions.