Does Amoxicillin Cure Yeast Infection?

Can Amoxicillin Cause Yeast Infections? Candida Diet, Cleanse


If you’re a woman who has suffered from a yeast infection, you know how uncomfortable and frustrating it can be. A yeast infection is a common condition that can affect women of all ages. It’s caused by an overgrowth of a fungus called Candida albicans, which can lead to symptoms like itching, burning, and discharge. While there are many treatments available for yeast infections, one question that often comes up is whether amoxicillin can cure them. In this article, we’ll explore this question and provide some helpful information about yeast infections and amoxicillin.

What is Amoxicillin?

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that is used to treat a variety of bacterial infections. It belongs to a class of antibiotics called penicillins, which work by stopping the growth of bacteria. Amoxicillin is often prescribed to treat infections like strep throat, ear infections, and urinary tract infections.

Can Amoxicillin Cure Yeast Infection?

The short answer is no. Amoxicillin is not effective in treating yeast infections. Yeast infections are caused by a fungus, not bacteria, so antibiotics like amoxicillin are not effective in treating them. In fact, taking antibiotics can actually make yeast infections worse by killing off the good bacteria in the vagina that help keep the yeast in check.

How to Treat Yeast Infection?

If you have a yeast infection, there are several options for treatment. These include over-the-counter antifungal creams, suppositories, and oral medications. It’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any treatment to make sure you have a yeast infection and to get the right treatment for your specific case.

Preventing Yeast Infection

While yeast infections can be uncomfortable and frustrating, there are steps you can take to prevent them from occurring in the first place. These include wearing loose-fitting clothing, avoiding douching or using scented products in the vaginal area, and taking probiotics to help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the vagina.


In conclusion, while amoxicillin is a useful antibiotic for treating bacterial infections, it is not effective in treating yeast infections. If you think you have a yeast infection, it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider to get the right treatment. Remember that there are steps you can take to prevent yeast infections from occurring in the first place. By taking care of your vaginal health, you can reduce your risk of developing a yeast infection and enjoy a more comfortable and healthy life.