Does Liberty Dental Cover Crowns?

What are Dental Crowns and What Makes Them a Good Choice?


If you’re searching for dental insurance, you may have come across Liberty Dental. One of the most common dental procedures is getting a crown. But does Liberty Dental cover crowns? In this article, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide some helpful information about dental insurance.

What is a Crown?

A crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged or decayed tooth. It is used to restore the tooth’s shape, size, and strength. Crowns can be made from a variety of materials, including porcelain, metal, and ceramic.

What Does Liberty Dental Cover?

Liberty Dental offers a variety of dental plans, and the coverage for crowns may vary depending on the plan you choose. In general, most Liberty Dental plans cover at least a portion of the cost of a crown. However, the amount of coverage may depend on several factors, such as the type of crown you need and whether the procedure is considered medically necessary.

Types of Crowns

There are several types of crowns, and the cost can vary depending on the materials used. Here are a few common types of crowns:

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain crowns are a popular choice because they look natural and can be matched to the color of your existing teeth. They are more expensive than other types of crowns, but they are also more durable.

Metal Crowns

Metal crowns are often used for molars because they are strong and can withstand the force of chewing. However, they are not as aesthetically pleasing as porcelain crowns.

Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are similar to porcelain crowns but are made from a different material. They are less durable than porcelain crowns but are a good option for front teeth because they can be matched to the color of your natural teeth.

Medically Necessary or Cosmetic?

Whether or not Liberty Dental covers the cost of a crown may depend on whether the procedure is considered medically necessary or cosmetic. If the crown is needed to restore the function of your teeth or to prevent further damage, it may be considered medically necessary and covered by your insurance. However, if the crown is only needed for cosmetic reasons, it may not be covered.

Out-of-Pocket Costs

Even if Liberty Dental covers a portion of the cost of a crown, you may still be responsible for some out-of-pocket expenses. This may include a deductible, copay, or coinsurance. It’s important to review your dental plan to understand your specific coverage and any potential out-of-pocket costs.


In summary, Liberty Dental may cover the cost of a crown, but the amount of coverage may depend on several factors. It’s important to review your dental plan to understand your specific coverage and any potential out-of-pocket costs. If you need a crown, it’s always a good idea to talk to your dentist and insurance provider to understand your options.