Does Mint Deter Squirrels?

The Bluest Muse Peppermint oil A rather useless squirrel deterrent

The Squirrel Problem

Squirrels can be a real nuisance, especially for those who love gardening or have fruit trees in their yards. These critters can destroy plants, dig up bulbs, and even eat the fruit and vegetables you’ve worked so hard to grow. It’s no wonder that many people are looking for simple and effective ways to keep squirrels away.

The Mint Solution

One popular solution that many people swear by is using mint. Mint is said to have a strong scent that squirrels find repulsive, making it an effective deterrent. There are a few ways to use mint to keep squirrels away:

Mint Plants

The first option is to plant mint in your garden. Mint plants are easy to grow and maintain, and they have the added benefit of being a natural insect repellent. Plus, you can use the mint leaves in cooking or to make tea. However, keep in mind that mint is a fast-growing plant that can quickly take over your garden if not properly contained.

Mint Oil

Another option is to use mint oil. Simply mix a few drops of mint oil with water in a spray bottle and spray it on the plants or areas where squirrels are causing problems. You can also soak cotton balls in the mint oil and place them around your garden or yard to keep squirrels away.

Mint Tea Bags

Finally, you can use mint tea bags to keep squirrels away. Simply place a few tea bags around your garden or yard, or even hang them from trees or bushes. The scent of the mint will repel squirrels and keep them from causing damage.

Does It Work?

So, does mint really deter squirrels? The answer is yes and no. While some people swear by the mint method, others have found it to be ineffective. It’s possible that some squirrels may not be bothered by the scent of mint, or that they may become accustomed to it over time. Additionally, mint may not be effective in all situations or for all types of plants.

Other Options

If mint doesn’t work for you, there are other options to consider. Some people use squirrel-proof bird feeders or mesh netting to protect their plants. Others use motion-activated sprinklers or ultrasonic devices to scare away squirrels. Ultimately, the best solution will depend on your specific situation and preferences.


In conclusion, mint can be an effective way to keep squirrels away from your plants and yard. However, it may not work for everyone, and there are other options to consider if mint doesn’t do the trick. Experiment with different methods and find the one that works best for you. With a little effort and creativity, you can keep those pesky squirrels at bay and enjoy your garden and yard to the fullest.