Does Mint Repel Rabbits? A Complete Guide For Gardeners In 2023

Learn how to make Rabbit Repellent using this DIY rabbit deterrent


If you are one of those gardeners who are constantly battling with pesky rabbits that tend to munch on your precious plants, then you might have heard about the idea of using mint as a natural rabbit repellent. But does mint really work in keeping rabbits away from your garden? In this article, we will take a closer look at this natural remedy and explore its effectiveness in repelling rabbits.

What is Mint?

Mint is a common herb that belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It is known for its refreshing aroma and is widely used in cooking, as well as in the production of essential oils and other products. There are many different species of mint, including peppermint, spearmint, and apple mint, among others.

How Does Mint Repel Rabbits?

Mint contains a compound called pulegone, which is known to have a strong odor that rabbits find unpleasant. When mint is planted around your garden, the scent of this compound can be enough to deter rabbits from coming near your plants. Additionally, rabbits do not like the taste of mint, so even if they do come close to your plants, they are less likely to eat them if they are surrounded by mint.

How to Use Mint to Repel Rabbits

If you want to use mint to repel rabbits from your garden, there are a few different ways to do it. One option is to plant mint directly in your garden. You can either plant it in pots or directly in the ground. Make sure to plant it around the perimeter of your garden or near the plants that are most susceptible to rabbit damage. Another option is to make a mint spray. To do this, you will need to crush fresh mint leaves and mix them with water. You can then spray this mixture directly on your plants. This will not only help to repel rabbits but will also provide your plants with some natural nutrients.

Other Natural Rabbit Repellents

While mint is an effective natural rabbit repellent, there are also other options that you can try. Some gardeners recommend using garlic, onions, or hot peppers to repel rabbits. You can also try using physical barriers, such as chicken wire or fencing, to keep rabbits out of your garden.


In conclusion, mint can be an effective natural remedy for repelling rabbits from your garden. Its strong scent and unpleasant taste can be enough to keep rabbits away from your plants. However, it is important to note that mint may not work for all gardeners or in all situations. If you are struggling with rabbit damage in your garden, it is worth trying out a few different natural remedies to see what works best for you. By using natural remedies, you can keep your garden healthy and thriving without resorting to harmful chemicals or pesticides.