Does Proactiv Remove Acne Scars?

How does Proactiv help get rid of acne scars? Quora


Acne scars can be frustrating to deal with, especially when they don’t seem to fade away. Many people turn to Proactiv as a solution for their acne, but does it really help with acne scars? In this article, we’ll explore the effectiveness of Proactiv in removing acne scars.

Understanding Acne Scars

Before we dive into whether or not Proactiv can help with acne scars, it’s important to understand what they are. Acne scars are the result of inflammation caused by acne. When the skin tries to heal itself after a breakout, it can leave behind scars in the form of dark spots, red marks, or indentations.

The Role of Proactiv

Proactiv is a popular acne treatment system that uses a combination of benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid to target acne-causing bacteria and exfoliate the skin. While Proactiv is designed to prevent and treat acne, it may also help with acne scars.

How Proactiv Can Help with Acne Scars

Benzoyl peroxide, one of the key ingredients in Proactiv, has been shown to help fade acne scars over time. It works by reducing inflammation and promoting cell turnover, which can help improve the appearance of scars.

Salicylic acid, another ingredient in Proactiv, can also help with acne scars. It exfoliates the skin and helps remove dead skin cells, which can make scars less noticeable.

Proactiv and Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, or dark spots, is a common type of acne scar. Proactiv can help reduce hyperpigmentation by exfoliating the skin and promoting cell turnover. However, it’s important to note that results may vary and it may take several weeks or months of consistent use to see improvement.

Other Treatments for Acne Scars

While Proactiv may help with acne scars, there are other treatments available that may be more effective. These include:

  • Laser therapy
  • Microneedling
  • Chemical peels

It’s important to consult with a dermatologist to determine the best treatment for your specific type of acne scars.


So, does Proactiv remove acne scars? While it may help fade scars over time, it’s important to manage your expectations and understand that results may vary. Proactiv is primarily designed to prevent and treat acne. If you’re looking for more dramatic improvement in your acne scars, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist and explore other treatment options.

Ultimately, the best way to prevent acne scars is to treat acne as soon as it appears. With consistent use of Proactiv or other acne treatments, you can help prevent future breakouts and reduce the risk of developing scars.