Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum Review

Good Molecules Discoloration Correcting Serum NEW July 2020


If you’re looking for a great vitamin C serum, you might want to consider Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum. This serum has been making waves in the skincare industry for its affordable price and effective formula. In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at this product and see if it’s worth the hype.

What is Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum?

Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum is a skincare product that contains 10% L-ascorbic acid, which is a form of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help brighten the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and protect the skin from environmental stressors.

How to Use

To use this serum, simply apply a few drops to your face and neck after cleansing and toning. You can use it in the morning or at night, depending on your preference. Make sure to follow up with a moisturizer and sunscreen during the day.


Aside from vitamin C, this serum also contains hyaluronic acid, which can help hydrate and plump up the skin. It’s also free of fragrance, alcohol, and silicone, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin.


One of the main benefits of Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum is its affordability. It’s priced at around $6 for a 30ml bottle, which is significantly cheaper than other vitamin C serums on the market. It’s also effective in brightening the skin and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Side Effects

As with any skincare product, there’s always a chance of experiencing side effects. Some people may experience tingling or redness when using this serum. If you have sensitive skin, it’s best to do a patch test first before applying it all over your face.

Customer Reviews

Many customers have raved about the effectiveness of Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum. They’ve noticed a significant improvement in their skin’s texture and brightness after using it regularly. Some have also praised its affordability and gentle formula.


Overall, Good Molecules Vitamin C Serum is a great option for those looking for an affordable and effective vitamin C serum. It’s gentle on the skin and can help brighten and improve the overall appearance of the skin. Give it a try and see if it works for you!