Heart-Lung Transplant Survival Rates By Age In 2023

Lung Transplant Survival Rate Core Plastic Surgery

The Need for a Heart-Lung Transplant

When someone has end-stage heart and lung disease, a heart-lung transplant may be the only option to save their life. This complex surgery involves the replacement of both organs with healthy ones from a donor. However, the success of this procedure depends on various factors, including the age of the recipient.

Survival Rates for Younger Patients

According to recent studies, younger patients have a higher chance of survival after a heart-lung transplant. Patients under the age of 50 have an estimated survival rate of 70-75% after five years and 50-55% after 10 years. This is because younger patients generally have fewer health issues and can withstand the stress of surgery and recovery better than older patients.

Survival Rates for Older Patients

For patients over the age of 50, the survival rates are lower. The same study showed that patients between the ages of 50-64 have a survival rate of 60-65% after five years and 40-45% after 10 years. Patients over the age of 65 have an even lower survival rate of 40-45% after five years and 25-30% after 10 years. This is because older patients are more likely to have other health issues that can complicate the transplant procedure and recovery.

Factors That Affect Survival Rates

Apart from age, there are other factors that can impact the success of a heart-lung transplant. These include:

Overall Health Status

Patients who are in good health before the transplant procedure are more likely to have a successful outcome. This means that they should have no other major health issues aside from their heart and lung disease.

Donor Match

Finding a suitable donor match is crucial for the success of a heart-lung transplant. The donor must have organs that are compatible with the recipient’s blood type and tissue type to reduce the risk of rejection.

Post-Transplant Care

After the transplant procedure, patients must follow a strict regimen of medication and lifestyle changes to ensure that their new organs function properly. This includes taking immunosuppressant drugs to prevent rejection and avoiding certain foods and activities that can put stress on the heart and lungs.


In conclusion, the survival rates for a heart-lung transplant vary based on the age of the recipient as well as other factors such as overall health status, donor match, and post-transplant care. Younger patients generally have a higher chance of survival, while older patients may face more challenges. However, with advances in medical technology and ongoing research, the success rates for heart-lung transplants are improving, providing hope for those who need this life-saving procedure.