Hot Bath After Ice Bath: The Ultimate Relaxation Technique

How To Set Up An Ice Bath After Workout At Home XPT®


Have you ever tried taking an ice bath? It’s not the most comfortable experience, but it’s an effective way to reduce inflammation and soreness in your muscles. However, what if we told you that there’s a way to make the experience even more relaxing? By taking a hot bath after an ice bath, you can experience a whole new level of relaxation.

What is an Ice Bath?

An ice bath is a form of cold therapy that involves immersing your body in cold water for a short period of time. This can be done in a bathtub filled with cold water and ice cubes, or in a specially designed ice bath tub. The cold temperature causes your blood vessels to constrict, reducing inflammation and swelling in your muscles.

Why Take an Ice Bath?

Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often take ice baths after intense workouts to speed up their recovery time. Ice baths can also help reduce muscle soreness, improve circulation, and boost your immune system. However, the experience can be quite uncomfortable, especially if you’re not used to cold temperatures.

How to Take an Ice Bath

To take an ice bath, fill a bathtub with cold water and add ice cubes until the temperature reaches around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Then, slowly lower your body into the water, up to your neck if possible. Stay in the bath for around 10-15 minutes, or until you start feeling too uncomfortable.

The Benefits of Taking a Hot Bath After an Ice Bath

After you’ve finished your ice bath, it’s time to move on to the hot bath. The hot water will help to dilate your blood vessels, increasing circulation and flushing out any toxins that may have built up in your muscles during your workout. This will help to speed up your recovery time and reduce any soreness or stiffness you may be experiencing.

How to Take a Hot Bath

To take a hot bath, fill your bathtub with hot water, making sure the temperature is comfortable for you. You can add Epsom salts or essential oils to the water to enhance the experience. Soak in the bath for around 20-30 minutes, or until you feel fully relaxed.

The Perfect Temperature

When taking a hot bath after an ice bath, it’s important to get the temperature just right. The water should be warm, but not too hot, as this can cause your blood vessels to constrict again, undoing the benefits of the ice bath. Aim for a temperature of around 100-104 degrees Fahrenheit.

Other Tips for Maximum Relaxation

To make the most of your hot bath, here are a few additional tips: – Use candles or dim lighting to create a calming ambiance – Listen to soothing music or a guided meditation – Sip on a cup of herbal tea while you soak – Use a bath pillow or foam cushion to support your neck and back


Taking a hot bath after an ice bath is the ultimate relaxation technique. Not only will it help speed up your recovery time and reduce muscle soreness, but it’s also a great way to unwind after a long day. So next time you take an ice bath, don’t forget to follow it up with a hot bath for maximum relaxation.