How Long After Bunion Surgery Can I Walk?

After Bunion Surgery How Soon Can I Walk


Bunion surgery is a common procedure that is performed to correct a deformity of the big toe joint. It involves removing the bony bump and realigning the joint. However, one of the most common questions that people ask after the surgery is, “How long will it take for me to walk again?” In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about walking after bunion surgery.

Immediate Post-Operative Period

Immediately after the surgery, you will not be able to walk. You will need to keep your foot elevated for at least 24 hours to reduce swelling and promote healing. During this time, you will also be given pain medication to manage any discomfort you may experience.

First Week After Surgery

During the first week after surgery, you will need to continue to keep your foot elevated as much as possible. You will also need to use crutches or a walker to get around. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to use the crutches or walker and how much weight you can put on your foot.

Second Week After Surgery

In the second week after surgery, you may be able to start putting some weight on your foot. However, you will still need to use crutches or a walker. Your surgeon will let you know when it is safe to start putting weight on your foot and how much weight you can put on it.

Third Week After Surgery

In the third week after surgery, you may be able to start walking without crutches or a walker. However, you will still need to be careful and take it slow. Your surgeon will let you know when it is safe to start walking without assistance.

Fourth Week After Surgery

In the fourth week after surgery, you should be able to walk without assistance. However, you may still experience some discomfort and swelling. Your surgeon will let you know when it is safe for you to resume your normal activities.

Recovery Time

The recovery time after bunion surgery varies from person to person. It can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months for your foot to fully heal. Your surgeon will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your foot during the recovery period.


In conclusion, walking after bunion surgery requires patience and careful attention to your surgeon’s instructions. You will not be able to walk immediately after the surgery, but with time, you will be able to resume your normal activities. If you have any questions or concerns about walking after bunion surgery, be sure to talk to your surgeon.