How Long Do You Let Sauerkraut Ferment?

Wonderfully Easy Fermented Sauerkraut (10 Flavors!) Recipe


Sauerkraut is a fermented food that has been enjoyed for centuries. It is made by combining shredded cabbage with salt and allowing it to ferment. Fermentation is a natural process that breaks down the sugars in the cabbage and creates beneficial bacteria, making sauerkraut a healthy addition to any diet. But how long should you let sauerkraut ferment?

Factors Affecting Fermentation Time

The length of time for sauerkraut fermentation depends on several factors. These include the temperature, the amount of salt used, and the desired taste and texture of the sauerkraut. Most recipes call for a fermentation period of 2-4 weeks, but this can vary depending on the conditions and personal preferences.


The ideal temperature for sauerkraut fermentation is between 65-75°F (18-24°C). At temperatures below 60°F (15°C), fermentation will slow down or stop altogether. At temperatures above 75°F (24°C), fermentation will speed up and the sauerkraut may become mushy or spoil.

Amount of Salt Used

Salt is an important ingredient in sauerkraut fermentation. It not only adds flavor but also helps to preserve the cabbage by inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria. The amount of salt used can affect the rate of fermentation. A higher salt concentration will slow down fermentation, while a lower salt concentration will speed it up.

Fermentation Timeline

Week 1

During the first week of fermentation, the cabbage will start to release its water and the salt will begin to draw out the juices. The cabbage will become limp and the brine will start to bubble as the fermentation process begins.

Week 2

By the second week, the sauerkraut will start to develop a sour taste and the brine will become cloudy. The cabbage will become softer and the bubbles will start to slow down.

Week 3

During the third week, the sauerkraut will reach its peak flavor and the brine will become clearer. The cabbage will be fully fermented and the bubbles will stop.

Week 4

If you prefer a tangier and more sour sauerkraut, you can let it ferment for a fourth week. However, if you like a milder flavor, you can stop the fermentation process after three weeks.


In conclusion, the length of time for sauerkraut fermentation depends on several factors, including temperature, salt concentration, and personal preference. The ideal fermentation period is between 2-4 weeks, but this can vary. By following these guidelines, you can create delicious and healthy sauerkraut that will be a hit with your family and friends.