How Long Does It Take To Detox From Deodorant?

Aluminum Free Deodorants How to Survive the Detox Aluminum free


Deodorant is a personal hygiene product used by almost everyone. However, not many people know that deodorant can contain harmful chemicals that can be absorbed into the body. Many people are now choosing to switch to natural deodorants to avoid these chemicals. But, how long does it take for the body to detox from the chemicals in conventional deodorant?

The Chemicals in Conventional Deodorants

Conventional deodorants contain a variety of chemicals, including aluminum, parabens, phthalates, and triclosan. These chemicals can be absorbed into the body through the skin and can potentially cause health problems. Aluminum, for example, has been linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Why Switch to Natural Deodorants?

Natural deodorants contain ingredients that are safer for the body, such as baking soda, cornstarch, and essential oils. They also do not contain harmful chemicals like aluminum and parabens. Switching to a natural deodorant can help reduce the risk of health problems associated with conventional deodorants.

The Detox Process

When switching from a conventional deodorant to a natural deodorant, the body may go through a detox process. This process can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the individual. During the detox process, the body may sweat more and have a stronger odor as it eliminates the chemicals from the conventional deodorant.

How to Make the Detox Process Easier

There are a few things you can do to make the detox process easier. First, try using a natural deodorant that contains ingredients like baking soda and arrowroot powder, which can help absorb sweat and odor. You can also try using a detoxifying mask on your underarms to help draw out toxins.

The Benefits of Switching to Natural Deodorant

Switching to a natural deodorant can have many benefits. Besides reducing the risk of health problems associated with conventional deodorants, natural deodorants can also be better for the environment. They do not contain harmful chemicals that can pollute water sources or harm wildlife.

Choosing the Right Natural Deodorant

When choosing a natural deodorant, it is important to read the label and look for ingredients that are safe and effective. Look for deodorants that contain natural ingredients like coconut oil, shea butter, and essential oils. It may take some trial and error to find the right natural deodorant for you.


In conclusion, switching to a natural deodorant can have many benefits for your health and the environment. However, the detox process can take some time and patience. By using the right natural deodorant and taking steps to make the detox process easier, you can make the switch to natural deodorant with confidence.