How Many Calories Are In A Slice Of Wheat Bread?

Nutrition Of Whole Wheat Bread All information about healthy recipes

The Basics of Wheat Bread

Wheat bread is a popular type of bread that is made from wheat flour. It is often touted as a healthier alternative to white bread because it contains more fiber and nutrients. Wheat bread is usually brown in color and has a nutty flavor. It is a staple in many households and is often used to make sandwiches.

The Nutritional Value of Wheat Bread

A slice of wheat bread typically contains around 80-90 calories. However, this can vary depending on the brand and type of wheat bread. Whole wheat bread contains more fiber and nutrients than white bread, making it a healthier option.

The Importance of Portion Control

While wheat bread is a healthier option than white bread, it is important to practice portion control. Eating too much of any type of bread can lead to weight gain. One slice of wheat bread is usually enough for a sandwich or toast.

How to Make Wheat Bread Healthier

There are several ways to make wheat bread even healthier. Adding toppings such as avocado, turkey, or hummus can increase the protein and healthy fat content of your sandwich. Using whole wheat pita bread instead of sliced bread can also be a healthier option.

Choosing the Right Wheat Bread

When choosing wheat bread, it is important to look for brands that use whole wheat flour and minimal added sugars. Reading the ingredients list can help you determine if a brand is using healthy ingredients.

The Benefits of Eating Wheat Bread

Wheat bread has several benefits for your health. It is high in fiber, which can aid in digestion and help you feel full for longer periods of time. Wheat bread also contains several vitamins and minerals, including iron, zinc, and B vitamins.

Wheat Bread and Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, incorporating wheat bread into your diet can be beneficial. It is a healthier alternative to white bread and can help you feel full without consuming too many calories.


Wheat bread is a healthy and delicious option for sandwiches and toast. It is important to practice portion control and choose brands that use healthy ingredients. Adding healthy toppings and switching to whole wheat pita bread can also make your sandwich even healthier. Incorporating wheat bread into your diet can have several health benefits, including aiding in digestion and aiding in weight loss.