How To Remove Sulfur From Wine In 2023

Fixing Volatile Reduced Sulfur in Wine Wine, Wine cellar, Winemaking


Wine is a popular drink enjoyed by many people around the world. However, some individuals may experience allergies or intolerances to sulfur dioxide (SO2) that is present in wine. In this article, we will discuss the ways to remove sulfur from wine to make it safe for consumption.

Why Does Wine Contain Sulfur?

Sulfur is added to wine during the winemaking process to prevent oxidation and bacterial growth. It also helps to preserve the wine’s flavor and color. However, excessive levels of sulfur can cause adverse reactions in some people, such as headaches, rashes, and breathing difficulties.

Ways to Remove Sulfur from Wine

There are several methods to remove sulfur from wine. The most common ones are:


Aeration involves exposing the wine to air for a period of time. This allows the sulfur to dissipate naturally. To aerate the wine, you can pour it into a decanter and let it sit for a few hours or overnight. Alternatively, you can use a wine aerator to speed up the process.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a natural absorbent that can remove sulfur from wine. You can purchase activated charcoal tablets or powder and add them to the wine. Leave the wine to sit for a few hours before straining it through a coffee filter to remove the charcoal residue.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can also remove sulfur from wine. Add a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the wine and stir gently. Leave the wine to sit for a few minutes before pouring it through a coffee filter to remove any residue.


Removing sulfur from wine is essential for individuals who are allergic or intolerant to it. Aeration, activated charcoal, and hydrogen peroxide are effective methods to remove sulfur from wine. However, it’s crucial to use these methods correctly and in moderation to avoid altering the taste and quality of the wine.