How To Turn A Sunburn Into A Tan

Sunburn? Turn it into a tan in a few hours with this natural secret


Summer is the season for outdoor fun, but sometimes we forget to protect our skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Sunburns can be painful and uncomfortable, but did you know that you can turn a sunburn into a tan? In this article, we will share some tips on how to do just that.

Why Turn a Sunburn into a Tan?

Before we get started, let’s talk about why you would want to turn a sunburn into a tan. Sunburns are a sign of skin damage, and repeated sunburns can increase your risk of skin cancer. Tanning, on the other hand, is your skin’s natural defense against the sun’s harmful rays. By turning a sunburn into a tan, you can protect your skin and enjoy a healthy glow.

How to Turn a Sunburn into a Tan

1. Moisturize

The first step in turning a sunburn into a tan is to moisturize your skin. Sunburns can leave your skin dry and flaky, which can prevent your skin from tanning evenly. Use a moisturizer with aloe vera or coconut oil to soothe your skin and keep it hydrated.

2. Exfoliate

Exfoliating your skin can help remove dead skin cells and promote an even tan. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub or a loofah to gently buff your skin.

3. Avoid the Sun

While it may seem counterintuitive, avoiding the sun is actually an important step in turning a sunburn into a tan. Your skin needs time to heal and recover from the sunburn before it can start tanning. Stay in the shade or cover up with clothing until your sunburn has healed.

4. Gradually Increase Sun Exposure

Once your skin has healed, you can start gradually increasing your sun exposure. Start with short periods of time in the sun, and gradually increase the amount of time you spend outside. Be sure to wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin.

5. Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is essential for healthy skin. When you are dehydrated, your skin can become dry and flaky, which can prevent it from tanning evenly. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to keep your skin hydrated.

6. Protect Your Skin

While you are working on your tan, it is important to continue protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and protective clothing, and reapply sunscreen every 2 hours.

7. Use a Tanning Lotion

If you want to speed up the tanning process, you can use a tanning lotion. Look for a lotion with natural ingredients like shea butter or cocoa butter, and avoid products with harsh chemicals that can damage your skin.

8. Be Patient

Turning a sunburn into a tan takes time, so be patient. It may take several weeks or even months to achieve the desired results. Remember to take care of your skin and avoid overexposure to the sun.


In conclusion, turning a sunburn into a tan is a great way to protect your skin and enjoy a healthy glow. By following these tips, you can promote an even, natural-looking tan while avoiding the harmful effects of the sun. Remember to take care of your skin, stay hydrated, and be patient – your perfect tan is just around the corner.