Is It Legal To Have Two Dental Insurances?

Dealing with dual dental insurances takes time, patience, and a little


If you’re someone who values their dental health, then you’re probably already aware of the benefits of having dental insurance. However, what happens if you have more than one dental insurance policy? Is it legal to have two dental insurances?

Understanding Dental Insurance

Before we dive into the legality of having two dental insurances, it’s important to first understand what dental insurance is. Dental insurance is a type of insurance that covers the cost of dental procedures and treatments.

Is it Legal to Have Two Dental Insurances?

The short answer is yes, it is legal to have two dental insurances. However, there are certain limitations and rules that you need to be aware of.

Coordination of Benefits (COB)

If you have two dental insurance policies, you will need to go through a process called Coordination of Benefits (COB). COB is a process that helps determine which insurance policy is responsible for covering the cost of your dental treatment.

Primary and Secondary Insurance

When you have two dental insurance policies, one policy will be considered your primary insurance and the other will be considered your secondary insurance. Your primary insurance will be responsible for covering the majority of the cost of your dental treatment, while your secondary insurance will cover any remaining costs.

Maximizing Your Benefits

Having two dental insurance policies can actually be beneficial if you know how to maximize your benefits. By understanding the rules and limitations of both policies, you can potentially save money on your dental treatments.

When Two Dental Insurances Are Not Allowed

While it is legal to have two dental insurances, there are certain situations where it is not allowed. For example, if you are covered under a group insurance policy through your employer, you may not be allowed to have a second policy.


In conclusion, it is legal to have two dental insurances as long as you follow the rules and limitations set by your insurance policies. By understanding the process of COB and maximizing your benefits, having two dental insurances can actually be beneficial for your dental health and wallet.