Kidney Transplant Surgery Survival Rate: What You Need To Know In 2023

KaplanMeier survival plot illustrating patient survival after kidney

The Importance of Kidney Transplant Surgery

Kidney transplant surgery is a medical procedure that is done to replace a diseased or failing kidney with a healthy one. It is a life-saving treatment for people who suffer from end-stage renal disease (ESRD). In 2023, the number of people who need a kidney transplant is expected to increase due to the rise in chronic kidney disease (CKD) cases. Therefore, it is essential to understand the survival rate of this surgery and its impact on the patient’s life.

What is the Survival Rate of Kidney Transplant Surgery?

According to the latest research, the overall survival rate of kidney transplant surgery is around 90% at one year and 75% at five years post-transplant. However, these rates can vary depending on various factors such as age, health status, and the type of transplant. For instance, the survival rate for a living donor kidney transplant is higher than that of a deceased donor kidney transplant.

Factors that Affect Kidney Transplant Surgery Survival Rate

Several factors can affect the survival rate of kidney transplant surgery. These include:


Older patients have a lower survival rate than younger ones. This is because older patients may have other health issues that can affect the success of the surgery.

Health Status

Patients with other medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or lung disease have a lower survival rate than those without these conditions. It is crucial to manage these conditions before and after the transplant.

Type of Transplant

Living donor kidney transplant has a higher survival rate than deceased donor kidney transplant. This is because the kidney is usually healthier and better matched with the recipient.

Improving Kidney Transplant Surgery Survival Rate

Several measures can be taken to improve the survival rate of kidney transplant surgery. These include:

Pre-transplant Assessment

Before the transplant, the patient undergoes a series of tests to ensure that they are healthy enough to undergo the surgery. This includes assessing the patient’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

Post-transplant Care

After the transplant, the patient needs to take immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection. It is essential to follow a strict medication regimen and attend regular follow-up appointments with the doctor.

Lifestyle Changes

Patients need to adopt a healthy lifestyle to improve the success of the transplant. This includes following a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and quitting smoking.


In 2023, kidney transplant surgery remains a life-saving treatment for people with end-stage renal disease. However, the survival rate of this surgery can vary depending on various factors. It is essential to understand these factors and take measures to improve the success of the transplant. With proper care, patients can lead a healthy and fulfilling life after kidney transplant surgery.