Metlife Dental Insurance Orthodontics: Everything You Need To Know

Get Affordable Dental Treatment with MetLife Orthodontics Insurance


MetLife dental insurance orthodontics is a type of dental insurance that specifically covers orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment is a type of dental treatment that focuses on correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. This type of treatment can be very expensive, and MetLife dental insurance orthodontics can help make it more affordable.

What Does MetLife Dental Insurance Orthodontics Cover?

MetLife dental insurance orthodontics typically covers a certain percentage of the cost of orthodontic treatment. This percentage can vary, but it usually ranges from 50% to 80%. The exact amount of coverage you receive will depend on your specific plan.

How Do You Get MetLife Dental Insurance Orthodontics?

If you are interested in getting MetLife dental insurance orthodontics, you will need to sign up for a MetLife dental insurance plan that includes orthodontic coverage. You can do this through your employer, or you can purchase an individual plan directly from MetLife.

How Much Does MetLife Dental Insurance Orthodontics Cost?

The cost of MetLife dental insurance orthodontics will depend on your specific plan. Generally, plans that offer more coverage will be more expensive than plans that offer less coverage. However, even a plan with a lower percentage of coverage can still help make orthodontic treatment more affordable.

The Benefits of MetLife Dental Insurance Orthodontics

1. Lower Costs

The biggest benefit of MetLife dental insurance orthodontics is lower costs. Orthodontic treatment can be very expensive, and having insurance coverage can help make it more affordable.

2. Better Oral Health

Orthodontic treatment can help improve your oral health by correcting misaligned teeth and jaws. This can help prevent issues like tooth decay, gum disease, and even jaw pain.

3. Improved Confidence

Having straight teeth can improve your confidence and self-esteem. This can lead to better social and professional opportunities and an overall better quality of life.

How to Use MetLife Dental Insurance Orthodontics

1. Choose an Orthodontist

Before you can use your MetLife dental insurance orthodontics, you will need to choose an orthodontist who is in-network with MetLife. You can find a list of in-network providers on the MetLife website.

2. Get a Treatment Plan

Once you have chosen an orthodontist, they will develop a treatment plan for you. This plan will outline the specific treatment you need and how much it will cost.

3. Submit a Claim

After you receive treatment, you will need to submit a claim to MetLife to receive reimbursement for your out-of-pocket expenses. Your orthodontist can help you with this process.


If you are in need of orthodontic treatment, MetLife dental insurance orthodontics can help make it more affordable. By choosing an in-network orthodontist and submitting your claims correctly, you can take advantage of this valuable insurance coverage and improve your oral health and confidence.