Natural Rabbit Repellent Garden: Keep Your Garden Safe And Beautiful

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Do you love gardening but struggle with rabbits eating your plants? You are not alone. Many gardeners face this problem, especially during the spring season. But worry not! In this article, we will talk about natural rabbit repellent garden methods to keep your garden safe and beautiful.

Rabbit Behaviour

Before we dive into the natural repellent methods, it’s essential to understand rabbit behaviour. Rabbits are herbivores and love to eat fresh green plants. They are also very active during the early morning or late afternoon. Knowing this behaviour will help you determine the best way to protect your plants.

Natural Repellent Methods

There are many natural repellent methods you can use to keep rabbits away from your garden. One of the most common methods is to plant rabbit-resistant plants. These plants have a strong scent that rabbits do not like. Some examples include marigold, lavender, and sage.

Planting Onion and Garlic

Another natural method is to plant onion and garlic. These plants have a strong scent that rabbits cannot tolerate. Plant them around the garden, and the rabbits will stay away.

Use of Pepper

You can also use pepper as a natural repellent. Mix some cayenne pepper with water and spray it on the plants. The strong scent and taste will keep rabbits away.

Using Vinegar and Water

Another natural repellent is using vinegar and water. Mix one part vinegar with three parts water and spray it on the plants. The strong scent will repel rabbits and other pests.

Physical Repellent Methods

If the natural repellent methods do not work, you can use physical repellent methods. One of the most effective physical repellents is a fence. Build a fence around your garden, and rabbits will not be able to enter.

Using Netting

You can also use netting to protect your plants. Cover the plants with netting, and rabbits will not be able to eat them.

Using Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Motion-activated sprinklers are another effective physical repellent. The sprinklers will activate when rabbits enter the garden, scaring them away.


In conclusion, there are many natural and physical repellent methods you can use to keep rabbits away from your garden. You can use a combination of these methods for the best results. With these natural repellent garden methods, you can keep your garden safe and beautiful.