Pictures Of Foot Rot In Cattle: A Comprehensive Guide

Foot Rot in Cattle Oklahoma State University


Cattle farmers have to deal with various health issues on their farms, and one of the most common is foot rot. Foot rot is a bacterial infection that affects the hooves of cattle, leading to lameness and decreased productivity. It is a serious problem that can affect the entire herd if left untreated. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for foot rot in cattle.

Causes of Foot Rot in Cattle

Foot rot is caused by a bacterial infection, most commonly Fusobacterium necrophorum. The bacteria thrive in wet and muddy conditions, making it more prevalent during the rainy season. Cattle that spend a lot of time standing in wet areas are more susceptible to foot rot. In addition, injuries to the hoof can create an entry point for the bacteria.

Symptoms of Foot Rot in Cattle

The first sign of foot rot in cattle is lameness, which can be mild or severe depending on the severity of the infection. The affected hoof may be swollen, red, and painful to the touch. The cow may also have a fever and decreased appetite. In severe cases, the hoof may slough off, leading to permanent lameness.

Preventing Foot Rot in Cattle

Preventing foot rot in cattle is easier than treating it. The best way to prevent foot rot is to keep the cows’ environment clean and dry. This can be achieved by providing them with a dry and well-drained area to stand and walk on, especially during the rainy season. Regular hoof trimming can also help prevent foot rot by removing any potential entry points for the bacteria.

Treating Foot Rot in Cattle

If your cow has foot rot, it is important to treat it promptly to prevent the spread of the infection. Treatment involves cleaning the affected hoof and applying a topical antibiotic ointment. In severe cases, the cow may need to be given antibiotics orally or through injections. Resting the affected leg can also help speed up the healing process.

When to Call a Veterinarian

If you notice any signs of foot rot in your cattle, it is important to call a veterinarian immediately. Early treatment can prevent the infection from spreading to other cows in the herd. In addition, if the infection has already progressed to a severe stage, a veterinarian may need to perform surgery to remove the infected hoof.


Foot rot is a common health issue that affects cattle, but it can be prevented and treated if caught early. Keeping the cows’ environment clean and dry is the best way to prevent foot rot, while prompt treatment is necessary to prevent the infection from spreading. If you notice any signs of foot rot in your cattle, don’t hesitate to call a veterinarian.