Pink Eye In Cattle Pictures: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Treatment of Pink Eye in cattle Cadfor


Pink eye, also known as infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK), is a common eye disease that affects cattle. It is caused by bacteria and can spread quickly in a herd. Pink eye can cause significant economic losses due to decreased weight gain, reduced milk production, and treatment costs. In this article, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of pink eye in cattle, along with some pictures to help identify the disease.

Causes of Pink Eye in Cattle

Pink eye is caused by the bacterium Moraxella bovis. The bacteria can survive on the surface of the eye, in nasal discharges, and on flies that can transfer it from one animal to another. The bacteria typically infects the eyes of cattle through scratches or other injuries to the cornea. Dust, wind, and sunlight can further irritate the eyes, making them more susceptible to infection.

Symptoms of Pink Eye in Cattle

The first sign of pink eye is usually redness and swelling of the eye. Discharge from the eye may also be present, and the animal may squint or hold the affected eye closed. As the disease progresses, the cornea may develop a white or gray spot, and vision may be impaired. In severe cases, the eye may rupture, leading to blindness in the affected eye.

Prevention of Pink Eye in Cattle

Preventing pink eye in cattle involves reducing the risk of exposure to the bacterium. This can be achieved through fly control programs, reducing dust and wind exposure, and maintaining good hygiene practices. Vaccination is also an effective way to prevent pink eye in cattle. Consult with a veterinarian to determine the best vaccination protocol for your herd.

Treatment of Pink Eye in Cattle

Treatment for pink eye typically involves antibiotic therapy. The antibiotic can be administered through injection, topical application, or both. Pain management may also be necessary to reduce discomfort and inflammation. In severe cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to prevent the eye from rupturing.

Pink Eye in Cattle Pictures

Here are some pictures of pink eye in cattle to help identify the disease: Picture of a cow with pink eyePicture of a close-up of a cow's eye with pink eyePicture of a cow with severe pink eye


Pink eye is a common eye disease that affects cattle and can cause significant economic losses. Preventing pink eye involves reducing the risk of exposure to the bacterium that causes the disease. Vaccination and good hygiene practices can help prevent the disease from spreading. If pink eye is suspected, prompt treatment with antibiotics and pain management can help prevent long-term damage to the eye. Consulting with a veterinarian is recommended to determine the best course of action for your herd.