Purina Supplements For Cattle: A Complete Guide In 2023

Purina Goat Mineral Purina Animal Nutrition NRS


Purina is a well-known brand in the livestock industry, offering a wide range of supplements for cattle. These supplements are designed to provide essential nutrients to cattle and improve their overall health. In this article, we will discuss the different types of Purina supplements available and their benefits.

Types of Purina Supplements for Cattle

Purina offers a range of supplements for cattle, including protein supplements, mineral supplements, and vitamin supplements. Protein supplements are designed to provide additional protein to the diet of cattle. Mineral supplements provide essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Vitamin supplements provide essential vitamins like A, D, and E.

Protein Supplements

Protein supplements are an essential part of the cattle diet, as they provide the necessary amino acids for muscle growth and repair. Purina offers a range of protein supplements, including Accuration Range Supplements and Stress Care Supplements. These supplements are designed to meet the protein requirements of cattle at different stages of life and under different conditions.

Mineral Supplements

Mineral supplements are essential for the growth and development of healthy bones, teeth, and muscles in cattle. Purina offers a range of mineral supplements, including Wind and Rain Fly Control Mineral, Wind and Rain Storm Mineral, and Wind and Rain All Season Mineral. These supplements provide essential minerals to meet the specific needs of cattle under different conditions.

Vitamin Supplements

Vitamin supplements are essential for the overall health and wellbeing of cattle. Purina offers a range of vitamin supplements, including Accuration Hi-Fat Block and Accuration Liquid. These supplements provide essential vitamins to meet the specific needs of cattle under different conditions.

Benefits of Purina Supplements for Cattle

The benefits of Purina supplements for cattle include improved growth and weight gain, improved reproduction, improved immune function, and improved overall health and wellbeing. These supplements are designed to meet the specific needs of cattle under different conditions and stages of life.

How to Use Purina Supplements for Cattle

Purina supplements for cattle should be used according to the instructions on the label. It is essential to provide the correct amount of supplements to meet the specific needs of cattle. Overfeeding or underfeeding supplements can lead to health problems and reduced effectiveness.


Purina supplements for cattle are an essential part of the cattle diet, providing essential nutrients to meet the specific needs of cattle under different conditions and stages of life. These supplements offer a range of benefits, including improved growth and weight gain, improved reproduction, improved immune function, and improved overall health and wellbeing. By using Purina supplements for cattle, farmers can ensure the health and wellbeing of their cattle and improve their bottom line.