The Best Hangover Supplements Of 2023

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There’s nothing worse than waking up with a pounding headache, dry mouth, and feeling nauseous after a night of drinking. Many people turn to hangover supplements to alleviate these symptoms, but with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your money. In this article, we’ll explore the best hangover supplements of 2023 that are sure to help you recover after a night of partying.

The Science Behind Hangovers

Before we dive into the supplements, let’s first understand what causes a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it causes your body to lose fluids and electrolytes. This leads to dehydration, which is one of the main causes of hangover symptoms. Alcohol also irritates the lining of your stomach, leading to nausea and vomiting, and can cause inflammation throughout the body.

The Best Hangover Supplements of 2023

1. Electrolyte Supplements

As mentioned, dehydration is a major cause of hangover symptoms. Electrolyte supplements can help replenish the fluids and minerals lost during drinking. Look for supplements that contain potassium, sodium, and magnesium.

2. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a plant-based supplement that has been used for centuries to treat liver problems. It can help protect your liver from the damaging effects of alcohol and may even help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

3. Vitamin B Complex

Alcohol depletes your body of essential B vitamins, which are important for energy production and brain function. Taking a vitamin B complex supplement before and after drinking can help reduce hangover symptoms.

4. N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)

NAC is an amino acid that can help boost your body’s production of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your liver. It may also help reduce inflammation and improve cognitive function.

5. Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can help calm an upset stomach. Look for supplements that contain ginger extract, or sip on ginger tea after a night of drinking.

Tips for Preventing Hangovers

While hangover supplements can help alleviate symptoms, the best way to prevent a hangover is to drink in moderation. Here are some tips to help you avoid a hangover:

  • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after drinking alcohol
  • Eat a meal before drinking
  • Avoid sugary drinks, as they can worsen dehydration
  • Stick to one type of alcohol
  • Drink slowly and pace yourself


Hangovers are no fun, but with the right supplements and prevention techniques, you can minimize their impact. Be sure to try one or more of the best hangover supplements of 2023 to help you recover faster and get back to feeling your best.