Understanding Cidr In Cattle: A Comprehensive Guide

7 Inserting a CIDR YouTube


If you’re involved in the cattle industry, you’ve probably heard of the term CIDR. But what exactly is a CIDR, and how does it affect your herd? In this article, we’ll explore the basics of CIDR and its role in cattle breeding.

What is CIDR?

CIDR stands for Controlled Internal Drug Release. It is a device that is used in cattle breeding to regulate the reproductive cycle of cows. The device is a small, T-shaped sponge that is inserted into the vagina of the cow. It releases synthetic progesterone, which suppresses the cow’s natural estrus cycle.

How does CIDR work?

CIDR devices are typically used in combination with other reproductive technologies, such as artificial insemination or embryo transfer. By controlling the cow’s estrus cycle, farmers can synchronize the breeding of their herd. This helps to optimize the use of resources, such as labor and semen, and improves the overall efficiency of the breeding program.

Benefits of using CIDR

There are several benefits to using CIDR in cattle breeding. First and foremost, it allows farmers to synchronize the breeding of their herd, which can help to improve the overall efficiency of the breeding program. It also allows farmers to plan the calving season, which can help to optimize the use of resources and reduce labor costs. Additionally, CIDR can be used to induce estrus in cows that have not been cycling regularly, which can help to improve fertility rates.

How to use CIDR

CIDR devices are typically used in combination with other reproductive technologies, such as artificial insemination or embryo transfer. Before using CIDR, farmers should consult with their veterinarian to determine the appropriate protocol for their herd. The device is typically inserted into the vagina of the cow for a period of 7 to 12 days, after which it is removed. The cow is then either artificially inseminated or transferred with embryos.

Side effects of using CIDR

While CIDR is generally considered safe and effective, there are some potential side effects that farmers should be aware of. These include vaginal discharge, inflammation, and infection. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and to consult with a veterinarian if any issues arise.


CIDR is a valuable tool in cattle breeding that allows farmers to synchronize the breeding of their herd, optimize the use of resources, and improve the overall efficiency of their breeding program. While there are some potential side effects to using CIDR, these can be minimized by following the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and consulting with a veterinarian. By using CIDR in combination with other reproductive technologies, farmers can help to maximize the productivity and profitability of their herd.