Using Cattle Panels For Trellis: A Comprehensive Guide

Garden Trellis & Screening Garden Fence Panels & Gates Arch Trellis


Are you looking for an affordable, durable, and easy-to-install trellis system for your garden? Look no further than cattle panels! These sturdy wire mesh panels are typically used to corral livestock, but they also make excellent trellises for climbing plants like tomatoes, cucumbers, and beans. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of using cattle panels as trellises, from selecting the right panel size to installing it in your garden.

Choosing the Right Panel

Cattle panels come in a variety of sizes, typically ranging from 16 to 20 feet long and 4 to 5 feet tall. For a trellis, you’ll want to choose a panel that is at least 5 feet tall to provide ample support for your plants. You should also consider the spacing between the wires – panels with narrower spacing (around 4 inches) will provide better support for smaller plants, while wider spacing (around 8 inches) can accommodate larger plants.

Preparing Your Garden

Before installing your cattle panel trellis, you’ll need to prepare your garden bed. Clear away any weeds or debris, and loosen the soil with a garden fork or tiller. If you’re planting new seeds or seedlings, be sure to space them out evenly along the base of the trellis.

Installing Your Trellis

To install your cattle panel trellis, you’ll need a few supplies: sturdy stakes or T-posts, wire cutters, and zip ties. Begin by driving your stakes or T-posts into the ground at either end of your garden bed, leaving enough space between them for your panel. Then, use wire cutters to trim your cattle panel to the desired length (if necessary) and attach it to the stakes or T-posts with zip ties. Be sure to secure the panel firmly to prevent sagging or wobbling.

Training Your Plants

Once your trellis is in place, it’s time to train your plants to climb it. Begin by gently tying the main stem of each plant to the trellis with garden twine or soft plant ties. As the plants grow, continue to tie them to the trellis as needed, taking care not to damage the stems or leaves. With proper training, your plants will grow tall and strong, providing a bountiful harvest.

Caring for Your Trellis

To ensure the longevity of your cattle panel trellis, it’s important to care for it properly. Regularly inspect the panel for signs of wear or damage, and replace any broken or rusty wires. You should also remove any dead or diseased plant material from the trellis to prevent the spread of pests or disease.

Benefits of Using Cattle Panels for Trellis

In addition to being affordable and easy to install, cattle panels offer a number of benefits as trellises. They are incredibly sturdy, able to support even the heaviest of crops. They are also versatile, easily customizable to fit the needs of your garden. And because they are made of galvanized steel, they are resistant to rust and corrosion, ensuring a long lifespan.

Drawbacks of Using Cattle Panels for Trellis

While cattle panels offer many benefits as trellises, there are also a few potential drawbacks to consider. For one, they can be difficult to move once installed, making it challenging to rotate your crops from year to year. They also require some upfront investment in materials, including stakes or T-posts and zip ties. And because they are made of metal, they can heat up quickly in the sun, potentially damaging delicate plant tissue.


Using cattle panels for trellises is a great way to support your climbing plants and maximize your garden space. With the right panel size, proper installation, and careful training, your plants will thrive and produce a bountiful harvest. And with regular care and maintenance, your cattle panel trellis will provide reliable support for years to come. So why not give it a try? Your plants – and your wallet – will thank you.