What Does Mosquito Larvae Look Like?

Larvae Of The Mosquito Photograph by Martin Dohrn/science Photo Library


If you’ve ever encountered a mosquito, you know how annoying they can be. But did you know that these pesky insects start their lives as larvae? Mosquito larvae are fascinating creatures that play an important role in the ecosystem. In this article, we’ll explore what mosquito larvae look like and some interesting facts about them.

What Are Mosquito Larvae?

Mosquito larvae are the immature form of mosquitoes. Females lay their eggs in stagnant water, and the larvae hatch from these eggs. They live in the water, feeding on small organisms like bacteria and algae. Mosquito larvae breathe air through a tube on their back, which they use to come up to the surface of the water and take in oxygen.

What Do Mosquito Larvae Look Like?

Mosquito larvae are small and worm-like, with a length of about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. They have a distinct head and tail, with a series of bristles along their body. Mosquito larvae are usually a pale color, but some species can be green or brown. They move by wriggling their bodies, which creates a wiggle or squirming motion.

Interesting Facts About Mosquito Larvae

– Mosquito larvae can be found in a variety of water sources, including ponds, puddles, and even tree holes. – They are an important source of food for fish, birds, and other aquatic animals. – Mosquito larvae can survive without food for up to a week, but they need oxygen to survive. – Some species of mosquito larvae can go into a state of dormancy, where they stop feeding and remain motionless until conditions improve. – Mosquito larvae are sensitive to changes in temperature and water quality, which can affect their growth and survival.

How to Control Mosquito Larvae

If you have standing water on your property, it’s important to take steps to control mosquito larvae. This can be done by eliminating any sources of standing water, such as emptying flower pots, bird baths, and other containers that collect water. You can also use mosquito dunks or other larvicides to kill mosquito larvae in water sources that can’t be emptied.


Mosquito larvae may not be the most glamorous creatures, but they play an important role in the ecosystem. By understanding what mosquito larvae look like and how they live, we can take steps to control their population and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases.