Where Do You Put Powder Detergent In Washing Machine?

Use right detergents with washing machine for efficient use Bijli Bachao


Washing machines have come a long way since their invention, and with it, so have the ways we use them. One of the most basic things we need to know about washing machines is where to put the detergent. In this article, we will be discussing where to put powder detergent in a washing machine.

The Importance of Using Detergent

Before we dive into the specifics of where to put detergent, let’s first understand why we need to use it. Detergent helps to break down and remove dirt and stains from our clothes. Without it, our clothes would not come out clean in the wash.

Where to Put Powder Detergent

Most washing machines have a detergent dispenser drawer that is located on the front of the machine. This drawer is typically divided into three compartments: one for pre-wash, one for main wash, and one for fabric softener. The pre-wash compartment is where you should put the powder detergent.

Pre-Wash Compartment

The pre-wash compartment is usually the smallest of the three compartments and is labeled with a symbol that looks like a clock. This compartment is designed to hold the detergent that is used during the pre-wash cycle. The pre-wash cycle is used to remove any heavy soil or stains from your clothes before the main wash cycle.

How Much Detergent to Use

It is important to use the right amount of detergent when washing your clothes. Using too much detergent can leave a residue on your clothes, while using too little can result in your clothes not getting clean. The amount of detergent you need to use will depend on the size of your load, the level of soil and stains on your clothes, and the hardness of your water.

Other Tips

Here are some other tips to keep in mind when using powder detergent in your washing machine: – Always read the instructions on the detergent packaging before use. – Use the correct amount of detergent for your load size. – Make sure the detergent drawer is clean and free of any residue before adding detergent. – Avoid overloading your washing machine, as this can affect the effectiveness of the detergent. – Use a fabric softener if desired, but be sure to put it in the correct compartment.


In conclusion, knowing where to put powder detergent in a washing machine is important for getting your clothes clean. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your clothes come out fresh and clean every time you do laundry.