Who Is Eleven’s Biological Dad?

La théorie explosive des choses étranges révèle le vrai père d'Onze


If you’re a fan of the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things, you’re probably familiar with Eleven, the telekinetic young girl who is the show’s central character. One of the biggest mysteries surrounding her character is the identity of her biological father. In this article, we’ll explore the clues and theories surrounding this mystery.


Eleven, whose real name is Jane, was born as part of a government experiment in which pregnant women were given mind-altering drugs. Her mother, Terry Ives, was one of these women. She was told that her baby had died at birth, but in reality, Eleven was taken away by scientists to be raised in a laboratory.


Throughout the series, there have been a few clues dropped about Eleven’s biological father. In season 1, episode 6, Eleven has a vision of a man with a tattoo on his arm. This tattoo matches one that Terry Ives had described to her daughter before she disappeared. This man is never identified, but fans have speculated that he may be Eleven’s father.

Theory 1: Dr. Brenner

One popular theory is that Dr. Martin Brenner, the scientist who raised Eleven in the lab, is actually her biological father. This theory is fueled by the fact that Brenner seems to have a special connection to Eleven and treats her differently than the other subjects in the experiment.

Theory 2: Terry’s Boyfriend

Another theory is that Terry Ives’ boyfriend at the time of her pregnancy is Eleven’s father. This theory is based on the fact that Terry was in a relationship at the time and that her boyfriend was also involved in the experiment.


Despite the clues and theories, the identity of Eleven’s biological father remains a mystery. It’s possible that the show’s creators will reveal the answer in future seasons, but for now, fans will have to continue speculating and coming up with their own theories.