Why Can’t You Eat Or Drink Before Surgical Abortion?

Pourquoi vous ne pouvez pas manger ou boire avant une opération

The Importance of Pre-Operative Fasting

One of the most important preparations for any surgical procedure is pre-operative fasting. This involves abstaining from food and drink for a certain amount of time before the surgery. For surgical abortion, patients are typically asked to fast for at least six hours before the procedure. This is done to minimize the risks and complications that can arise during the surgery.

The Risk of Aspiration

One of the primary reasons why pre-operative fasting is necessary for surgical abortion is the risk of aspiration. Aspiration occurs when stomach contents, including food and liquid, enter the lungs. This can cause serious complications, such as pneumonia or even death. By fasting before the surgery, the risk of aspiration is significantly reduced.

The Effect of Anesthesia

Another reason why fasting is required before surgical abortion is the effect of anesthesia on the body. Anesthesia can cause nausea and vomiting, which can be dangerous if there is food or liquid in the stomach. Fasting helps to prevent these complications and ensures that the anesthesia can be administered safely.

The Importance of Hydration

While patients are asked to fast before surgical abortion, it is important to stay hydrated. Drinking water up to two hours before the procedure is usually allowed to prevent dehydration. However, patients should avoid drinking anything other than water, as other liquids can increase the risk of aspiration.

The Risks of Breaking the Fast

Breaking the pre-operative fast can have serious consequences. If a patient eats or drinks anything before the surgery, the procedure may need to be postponed or cancelled. This is because there is a risk of aspiration and other complications. Patients should follow the fasting instructions provided by their healthcare provider to ensure the safety and success of the surgery.

Preparing for the Procedure

In addition to fasting, there are other preparations that patients must make before surgical abortion. These may include taking medication to prepare the cervix, arranging transportation to and from the clinic, and wearing comfortable clothing. It is important to follow all instructions provided by the healthcare provider to ensure a successful and safe procedure.

Aftercare and Recovery

After the surgery, patients will need to rest and recover. They may experience cramping, bleeding, and other symptoms, and should follow all post-operative instructions provided by their healthcare provider. It is important to avoid strenuous activity and sexual intercourse for a certain amount of time after the surgery to ensure proper healing.


Pre-operative fasting is an important part of preparing for surgical abortion. It helps to minimize the risks and complications that can arise during the surgery, including the risk of aspiration and the effects of anesthesia. Patients should follow all instructions provided by their healthcare provider to ensure a safe and successful procedure, and should take care to rest and recover properly after the surgery.