Why Does Dusty Baker Wear Black Surgical Gloves?

Dusty Baker Wearing Gloves Dianna Schwartz Rumor


Dusty Baker is a well-known figure in the world of baseball. He has played for several teams and has also been a successful manager. However, there is one thing that has always caught the attention of fans and spectators – his black surgical gloves. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind why Dusty Baker wears these gloves.

Health Reasons

One of the main reasons why Dusty Baker wears black surgical gloves is due to health reasons. He has had several health issues in the past, including prostate cancer and a heart attack. By wearing these gloves, he is able to protect himself from germs and bacteria that could potentially harm his health.


Another reason why Dusty Baker wears black surgical gloves could be due to allergies. Some people are allergic to certain materials and substances that are commonly found in baseball gloves. By wearing surgical gloves, he is able to avoid any potential allergic reactions.

Pitching Strategy

There is also a theory that Dusty Baker wears black surgical gloves as part of his pitching strategy. The gloves could potentially hide any signals or signs that he may be giving to his pitchers. This could give his team an advantage over their opponents.


Many baseball players are known for their superstitions and rituals. It is possible that Dusty Baker wears black surgical gloves as part of his own superstition. Perhaps he believes that wearing the gloves brings him good luck or helps him perform better on the field.


Finally, it is possible that Dusty Baker wears black surgical gloves simply for appearance. The gloves give him a unique and recognizable look that sets him apart from other managers and players. It could also be a way for him to express his personal style and preferences.


There are several reasons why Dusty Baker wears black surgical gloves. It could be for health reasons, allergies, pitching strategy, superstition, or simply for appearance. Regardless of the reason, it is clear that these gloves have become a signature part of his persona and have helped him stand out in the world of baseball.